Delivery Time: 01-05 Working Days
How to place an order?
This service need IMEI to process your order
Get IMEI of your device & write correctly in the IMEI field
Do not Write incorrect IMEI.
Maximum Delivery Time:
Delay warning
Sometimes due to technical issues, service will delay in this case you need to cooperate with us.
Supported Carrier:
How to work:
*The unlock code is "NCK" or "Network" code. Except in the special case when you get "Phone Freeze" message you will need "Defreeze" or "MCK" code.
*This way you can check which code you need:
Model : Samsung from 2011 and newer:
1. Insert a non accepted SIM card,
2. Phone will ask to insert code if it doesn't ask for code it means your phone is unlocked.
Model : Samsung from 2010 and older (Galaxy S and older)
1. Go to your phone dial type: *#7465625# (*#SIMLOCK#)
2. A new menu will be displayed:
[ ] Network lock
[ ] Subset lock
[ ] SP lock
3. ON=locked , OFF=Unlocked
4. If you have displayed [ON] Network Lock - you need to use NCK/NETWORK Code with the instructions below.
5. If you have displayed [ON] Subset Lock - you need to use SCK code if provided
6. If you have displayed [ON] SP Lock - you need to use SPCK/PROVIDER Code.
7. If everything is [OFF} it means your phone is unlocked.
How to verify order:
In Case Of Any issue please submit a ticket with order number & carrier check report.
Important Note
# Service Operation Timings : USA Business Hours
# Service provide NCK only code,in case you need other locks use SAMSUNG USA ALL LEVEL SERVICE
# No cancellation Allowed up to 7 Business Days in case delays
# No refund for already unlocked/Duplicate orders
# Strictly NO REFUND for non working code
The supplier of Samsung do not provide any kind of refund (Full or Even Partial) for Wrong code (Even with Video Proof)